Thursday 12 May 2011


Well you all guys have seen the movie Robot by Mr. Rajnikant , and have noticed the technology he uses in movie for the wireless data transfer i.e. zigbee ,so lets have a look What this Zigbee is?

ZigBee is a new low-power wireless communications technology for wireless networks looking for lower cost, limited functionality, reduced data size, and  protocol simplification.

Applications: handsets

2.local area networks

3.wide area networks

4.pc and tabs

5.high tech electronics

6.portable devices

Softwares required:

1.Bee stack


Soon zigbee will replace the positions of bluetooth in your pc's and cells.

Well technology is imerging with a great upsurge and really these gadgets are the boon for us...


  1. really your blog is very useful for the one who is tech-savy. keep it up. all the best

  2. Thanx shushank for your comments!! Its your valuable comments only which inspires me to work more..:)
